Alicia Wins MTB Nationals Junior 8-10!!
One of our younger Velo Bellas, Alicia Styer became the 2007 US National Junior 8-10 year old XC Champion last Sunday morning. Nervous yet steely eyed prior to the race, Alicia rolled to the start line intent on smashing the competition, or atleast making it to the top of the first climb without passing out.
As you can see, she not only didn't pass out, she had a smile on her face! Ah, to be younger again...
After tagging along with Catherine Maier (Rad Racing and in an older age category) Alicia was heard to grumble "no gifts" under her breath, and launched a vicious (albeit short) attack on her companions struggling up the never ending technical climb.
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Fellow junior Catherine Maier who races for Rad RAcing in an older category.
The race ended in fine fashion with a strong sprint to the finish a full minute or so ahead of the competition. Alicia's parents report they have to pull her off the trainer in the winter time and is always pushing her father to make the bike ever that much lighter... Unfortunately, her brother wasn't terribly impressed by his older sister's accomplishment...
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