Cat's Hill Report

Ok Bellas, because I promissed my mentor, our own Brenna Bella, that I would write about my race experience at Cat's Hill and because I do love to talk about it we go.
Oh, before I start, I want to mention that, as you all know me better at this point, I do like to write my race reports so you all can feel experience as if you were there with me, and for that, I write exactly what I was feeling, and thinking, at the time of the race. That all said and explained, seat back, relax, and enjoy the Cat's Hill experience of riding 4laps....hehehehe (lucky you this will be a short report; or maybe not :)
And, Brenna....So sorry!!!!!!!
A day before the race I talked to BBella to understand the secrets of Cat'sHill. And gals, she had lots to say. I had paper and pen on hands ready for all the advices she could give me. Let's just say that after the talk, I started thinking "maybe I should just pay forBrenna's ticket to come here and race with me, I mean, in front of me so I just need to follow her wheel...if I can, of course".
From that day on, it seemed more than 1 day, I could only think about the position, the gears, the turns, and position, the gears, the turn....At race day, I was feeling confidente. Did my warm up, thinking like Brenna, and felt great.
Got the bike ready, so I was thinking...., and head to the start. I was focused,thinking what Brenna told me, and in the zone, "just like Brenna would" until.....I hear"LULA!!!!!! She is so focused!!! Can you lift your arms?" and I see my Bellas so happy jumping up and down that for the first time in 2 days I was relaxed...just enough to don't bite my lips anymore and give a small smile. For that, thanks! I really needed it.

The refree was saying something and I did not give too much attention until I hear "if you do not have spare wheels at the specific area you will not be allowed to take someone else's wheels". I said: "10 laps, who need them??? If you do, you're out....hehehehe"
We started the race and I started thinking: "think like Brenna, just likeBrenna....what is this? what is this noise? Don't tell me it is a flat. Please God if it is a flat tell me is somebody else (sorry you all)." as this happened I jumped to the front and the 2 Los Gatos gals, Jen V. and Liza Penzel came in front of me and I knew I was in the right position.
We turned right, and "WHAT IS THIS noise?" and right again, and "what that heck is this?" and I shifted my gears just like Brenna said and up the hill and I said to myself:"this feel good, I can do this, I really can do this....focus, Lula, the top of the hill is not here, it is over there before the right turn, come on, harder....what is this noise?" .... we made another right turn and down the hill and "don't lose position here just like Brenna said" and another right turn and ....
"What is this noise? - ok, just keep is only 10 laps". And the story repeated itself for 3 more laps when up the hill I started testing my front wheel to see if it was a flat and nothing... and after the downhill on the only long strech part I realized that "wait a minute, if my wheel is not properly locked I can die or kill someone....course, my fork at the bottom is cut..." you know, to make it easier to have thefront wheel out WHEN YOU WANT TO. Not now, not in this situation.
Then, a light!! "I can go back and say I had a mechanical problem and change the wheels..... the ones that are in my car!!! Beacause I AM NOT GOING TO NEED THEM!!!! Who will need them???" So ironic.

SO, with a lot of disapointment in my heart, and sad for all my team-mates andBellas around the Globe, including my most brilhant mentor, BBella, I stopped the race.:( :( :(
So I did what any other disappointed and frustrated Bella would do in a similar situation:- I changed into clean clothes,- I ate my sandwich,- I left my frustrations inside the car along with the bike, AND,- I joined my team-mates for lots of laughs and talk about our next adventure -Kern?Panoche? Mt.Hamilton?
Since I LOVE making comments about my own reports...did I mention I also had a flat?!
yeap! The last photo tells you all.
Lula, you are totally worth going back into the headwind to chit chat with!
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